I don't hate you
people constantly ask me why I'm overly nice to people who prove themselves unworthy of my kindness, and that do not deserve my love. why I keep secrets for those who do me wrong, and defend the name of people who shattered me, even when they aren't around to hear. but if I loved you at some point, you will always hold a little piece of my heart, and I will always be on your side. I saw a conversation online today... someone said "some people will never realise how bad of a person they really are", to which another responded - "everyone is a bad person in at least someone's story". this kind of helped my brain understand it a little more. everyone has their villain moments, but overall, it doesn't make them a bad person, they still have the capacity to love. and they still deserve it too. so, I guess the reason I am so understanding and forgiving, is because I know that I hurt people I cared about while I was hurting, so now when someone does something unkind, although I will not give you another chance to disrespect me, it doesn't mean I hate you either. I just wish you to find peace within yourself. but, I don't hate you.
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