to the broken hearted girls

my heart breaks for the girls who wanted to die whilst being screamed at daily for dirty dishes and bad grades. my heart breaks for the girls silently sobbing at night, trying not to wake anyone up before finally drifting off with a scratchy throat and a damp pillow. my heart breaks for the girls who thought smiling would make everything better. the girls who thought they wouldn't be missed. the girls who spend their lunch in a bathroom stall. the girls who can't look at their own reflection anymore. the girls who know they will never be loved the way they love. the girls who set themselves up for heartbreak. who believe the best in people even when everyone tells them not to. the girls who can't let go. the girls who are always their own support system. the girls who find comfort in the dark. the girls with music always playing so that they're never left to the silence of their own thoughts. the girls who don't let anyone close enough to hurt them. the girls who are always just a phone call away, but always sent to voicemail. the girls who can't admit any form of emotions because they feel weak. the girls who could run through hell with a smile. the girls who "1324" their way out of a panic attack. the girls who glue their feet to the floor and squeeze their hands to stop anyone noticing the shaking. my heart breaks for the girls who drip tears on their screen as they type out the words "im fine".


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