my hero.
Since birth, I have been a replica of my older sister. a backup copy. carefully moulded on a pedestal, she became my idol. matching clothes, shared hobbies and interests, and spending every waking moment together. we were best friends from the moment we met. but somehow, we are so similar and so different at the same time. all my life I have heard how we look so alike, it is uncanny. but the second someone speaks to us they realise the vast difference. she has always been the pretty, cool, confident, smart one. me - the quiet, ditsy, loner, in need of a friend - other than her older sister. from a young age, she has always been so sure of herself, a bright sparkling star, the one people are drawn to, the one who stands out in a crowd and fills the room with laughter. the one who is the life of the party and the glue of the group. she has never found it difficult to find her way in life. she always seems to fit so perfectly like the final piece of a puzzle. wherever she goes, whatever she does - she always gets her way and succeeds. she knows exactly who she is, she is fierce and brave. she is a force of nature. and I envy her everyday for the person I aspire to be. no matter how much I look up to her and try to be like her, I know I could never be half the person she is, because no one could ever match up. she is one of a kind. but I've come to terms with this over time, and that's okay, because I would much rather watch her shine from afar and applaud her successes. the view is better from here. So in conclusion, I love my sister very much. and I need her to know how proud of her I am. and how sorry I am that she never had a big sister of her own. and how grateful I am that she gave up so much time and energy of her childhood to look after me and guide me. so yes, my big sister is my hero. and I absolutely, desperately, need her to know that. because I would pick my sister to be my sister again in any and every lifetime. Happy graduation day mi amore, onto bigger and better things now. good luck, with all the love in the world...
- your twin x
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