the beauty of womanhood.

oh how we are so lucky to have the privilege of being born females. the "beauty" of womanhood. yes, there's the stereotypical thoughts that come to mind when we think of women. perfume, lipstick, hair rollers, little black dresses and high heels. polaroid camera pictures. homemade birthday cakes. picnics. flowery wicker bike baskets. but no one ever seems to look deeper. no one talks about the things we all notice. "close your legs, it's not lady like". "sit up straight, don't slouch". "put on a bra, whore". "cover up, you're showing too much skin". "slut". " she's flatter than a door". "pretty privilege". "she dresses like a boy". "she must be a lesbian". "maybe she's just fat". "one wipe". "pretty face but probably no brains". "she's wearing too much makeup". "fake". "easy". "tramp". "prude". "what can we offer you, sir?". our time? our love? no? well, what about our services? our offspring? still not enough? well, how about our bodies? our souls? oh how lucky we are to have our bodies constantly studied and critiqued, taken advantage of, treated like pieces of meat being dangled right in front of hungry drooling dogs that never seem to be full. women are convinced that enjoying the pleasure of our bodies is shameful. for us at least. for men it seems to be a trophy case that they add to. we however, are taught guilt. remember not to be alone with a man for more than 5 minutes, people start to talk. don't speak to them, you are property. you are owned. you are another man's possession that cannot be tainted...  walking home alone at night with keys between your knuckles. never leave the house without a fully charged phone. don't wear anything too revealing otherwise you're just "asking for it". always cover your drink. better yet, just stay home. don't talk to anyone. keep your head down and walk faster. ignore them. oh how lucky we are to be in constant fear of the men around us. looking back centuries, we're tricked into believing the world has changed it's views over women. "girl power" and all. strong empowering women plastered as headlines and magazine covers. it's all one big illusion. a publicity stunt. a marketing tactic if you will. a distraction to shut us up from the fact that the world really hasn't changed anything for us. it's still the same narcissistic, narrow minded, sexist views that hold us back. if not worse than before. sure, now we can learn, we can work, we can vote, we're told we can "have it all". but what is "it all" for us exactly? children? chores? other "wifely duties"? because although we can work, we are not payed the same. there's still a glass ceiling holding us back from promotions because of our "liabilities". although we can vote, our opinions still never seem to make a difference. it is still all men in power. the same men causing wars over their fragile egos. the same men enforcing laws to tell us what we are allowed to do to our own bodies. the same men we are told to believe are "protecting" us. nowadays, police officers kill innocent civilians just "because they can". because they are given the power to. and let away with it. because it is men standing behind them. protecting them. it is these same men critiquing every inch of women's bodies and forcing them to adjust to the unrealistic standards that they call "beauty". the same men who do not like to be put in their place by a woman, or told they are wrong. the same men laying their hands on bodies who do not wish to be touched. these same men are all around us. it's your next door neighbour. it's your postman. your husband. your overly friendly colleague. your friends from school. these men are all around us. and instead of raising men differently, women are having to raise daughters to be stronger, and wittier. they are taught to put walls up for their own protection. not to be naive of the world around them. oh how we are so lucky. the beauty of womanhood.
