can i keep you?

i never believed in love until i met you. our souls instantly intertwined in a way i never thought imaginable. like twin flames. with one look you stared straight into me and knew every thought going through my head. you knew how to make me feel safe. you were home. and i had no intention of letting you go. but then you left. and i wish so badly that i could hate you for it, but i can't. i could never hate you. so please. come back. let me keep you a little longer. i wasn't ready to say goodbye. i don't know if i ever will be. but even if it's just for a little while, even just for closure. one more kiss. one more conversation. one more walk in the rain. one more lazy christmas morning with hot chocolate and presents by the fire. one more innocent bubble bath. one more nap in your arms. because maybe. just maybe. if we get enough one mores, they could add up to a lifetime. so please, can i keep you? just a little longer?
